dr.sc. Mirko Drenovac, sveučilišni udžbenici:
Kronometrija dinamike mentalnog procesiranja |
Anatomija i fiziologija živčanog sustava |
Sportska psihologija |
- Drenovac M.: Psychodiagnostic CRD-series, User guide with norms, Institute for Productivity, Zagreb, 1972.
- Becker M., Drenovac M.: Elektronisches psyichodijagnostisches system, ORGA-DATA, Villinfen; Brussel; Zagreb, 1974.
- Miš M., Čuk M., Kraigher B., Bavdež M., Fink A.: APLIKACIJA CRD- elektronskega psihodiagnostičkega sistema, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1984.
- Drenovac M.: Psychodiagnostic CRD-series, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1984.
- Drenovac M.: CRD-series of psychodiagnostic tests, AKD, Zagreb, 1994.
izbor iz disertacija
- Drenovac M.: Analysis of factors of which subject reactions are consist of during mental activitiy, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, University of Zagreb, 1991.
- Petri N. M. F.: Mental and psychomotoric changes in divers during scuba-diving at low depth, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 1997.
- Bobić J.: Neuropsychological methods in evaluation of diffuse and lateral deficits of intellectual functions in alcoholics, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Zagreb, 1994.
- Petranović D.: Utjecaj anemije na kognitivne sposobnosti onkolosko-hematoloskih bolesnika, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2012.
- Dropulić N.: Utjecaj dragovoljne 24-satne obustave uzimanja tekućine na kognitivne i psihomotoričke sposobnosti, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, 2008.
- Meško M.: Definiranje posebnosti gibalnih sposobnosti in psiholoških značilnosti slovenskih vojaških pilotov, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport, 2008.
evaluacije i standardizacije
- Ranilović B.: Factor analysis of results from clasics inteligence tests and four CRD-series istruments tests, Institute for Productivity, Zagreb 1973.
- Ranilović B.: Comparative analysis of success on CRD-series tests in aberant and control groups, Zagreb, 1973.
- Spoelders-Claes R., Coetsier P.: Research note on a new electronic psychodiagnostic system: The Complex Reactionmeter Drenovac Testbattery, ORGA-DATA, Brussel, 1976.
- Drenovac M.: Psychodiagnostic equipment evaluation, Project for Railway Transport Company, Institute for Productivity, Zagreb, 1973.
- Arnerić N.: Some experience with determing psychophysical abilities of 7 years old children using CRD-2, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1., Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Matešić K., Drenovac M.: Discriminative ability analysis of CRD-series indicators for differentiation of successful from unsuccessful elementary school pupils, Institute for Productivity, Zagreb, 1973.
- Hrupelj J.D.: Oil industry workers results standardisation on some CRD-series tests, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1., Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Matvoz E.: CRD-series applicability in labour medicine, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Goffin M.: An approach in drivers selection using test baterie CRD, ORGA-DATA, Brussel, 1976.
- Strban M.: CRD-series usuability for prediction of success of bus drivers, Fifth Congress of Yugoslav psychologiests, Skoplje, 1975.
-Drenovac M.: A subject classification attempt in "personality types" on the basis of features of speed, strenghts, and stability of task solving on CRD-1 test, ORGA-DATA, Brussel, 1976.
izbor iz istraživanja
- Drenovac M., Stojanović D.: Individual differences in working potential mobilisation capability for performing complex intelectual activity, Ergonomija, Niš, 1976.
- Svetina M.: Some experience with CRD-4 usage during examination of workers from transport section, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Drenovac M., Strban M.: Characteristic of complex reaction time in prisoners- traffic regulations offenders, Seventh Days of Psychology in Zadar, Vol. 5, 1989.
- Čuk M.: Influence of sub-test ordinal number on total result of CRD3b, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Malacko J., Doder D., Vujanović S.:The diferences in the movement structures of kata, fights and mental potentials between boys and girls who train karate, Acta Kinesiologica 4, 2010
- Kajtna T., Vuleta D., Pori M, Justin I., Pori P.: Psychological characteristics of Slovene handball goalkeepers, Kinesiology Vol. 44, 2012
- Vujanović S., Kalentić Ž., Jovančević V., Sudarov N, Strajnić B., Golik-Perić D., Đukić B.: Specifičnosti kognitivnih sposobnosti fudbalskih golmana u odnosu na ostale igrače u timu, Tematski zbornik radova, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2012
- Dimitrić G., Čorkalo N., Petrović M., Bogdanovski M., Glavičić I.: Brzina reakcije plivača ma startu u disciplini 50m slobodno, SportMont Vol. 37-39, 2013 Crnogorska sportska akademija, 37, 38, 39
- Carev, M.; Karanovic, N.; Ujevic, A.; Kardum, G.; Dogas, Z.: Measurements of psychomotor performance of anesthesiologists during the 24‐hours in hospital call, European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Vol 24. 2007
- Radić J,,Ljutić D.,Radić M., Kovačić V., Dodig-Ćurković K., Šain M.: Kidney transplantation improves cognitive and psychomotor function in adult patients, American Jurnal of Nephrology Vol.34, 2011
- Žebec S., Budimir S., Merkać M., Szirovicza L., Živičnjak M.: Sex-Specific Age-Related Changes of Information Processing Rate Indicators during Childhood and Adolescence, Coll. Antropol. Vol 38. 2014
- Bobić J., Pavićević L.: Psychodiagnostic electronic program CRD 4-A in clinical research, Neuroscience, Suppl to Vol 22(1987):S546
- Bobic J., Gomzi M., Radosevic – Vidacek B., Kanceljak – Macan B.: Association of neuroticism with sick building syndrome, quality of life and psychomotor performance, Collegium Antropologicum, 33 (2009)2:567-572.
- Prpić-Majić D., Bobić J., Pizent A., Jurasović J.: Lead absorption and psychological functions in school children from Zagreb, Int Conference: Environmental pollution and child health: clinical needs and issues for Central and Eastern Europe, Sosnowiec (1996) Abstracts.
- Prpić-Majić D., Bobić J., Šimić D., House D. E., Otto D.A., Jurasović J., Pizent A.: Lead absorption and psychological functions in Zagreb (Croatia) school children, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 22(2000)3: 347-356.
- Prpić-Majić D., Bobić J., Šimić D., House D.E., Otto D.A., Jurasović J., Pizent A.: Parental education as a confounder in the assessment of low level lead effect on psychological functions in children. Central European Journal of Public Health, Supplement, Vol.8 (JHEMI vol.44) 2000:69.
- F., Lindemans I., Huenting, Behets L.: Electronic measurements of psychomotoric functions under influence of psychopharmaca, ORGA-DATA, Brussel, 1976.
- Radonjić V., Kafol R., Ercegovac D., Kocijančić R., Nešković N.: Some neurophysiological, psychomotoric and psychological indicators in workers exposed for long time to insecticides-cholinesterase inhibitors, Arh. hig. rada toksikol., 36, 1985.
- Bobić J., Goldoni J.: Follow-up study in persons occupationally exposed to microwaves - psychological aspects, 2nd Int Sci Meeting: Microwaves in medicine, Rome, Proceedings (1993):123-126.
- Bobić J., Goldoni J., Pavićević L.: Psychodiagnostic series CRD and EEG findings during five years follow up study on radar technicians, 2nd Congress of The European Bioelectromagnetic Association, Bled, Transactions (1993):19-20.
- Goldoni J., Bobić J.: Occupational exposure to microwaves - psychological effects, International Symposium on New Epidemics in Occupational Health, Abstract Book, Helsinki (1994):92.
- Bobić J., Ugrenović Ž.: Complex reactionmeter Drenovac as a screening test for radar control technicians, First International ICOH Conference on Psychosocial Factors at Work, Book of Abstracts, Copenhagen, Denmark (1998):197.
- Bobić J.: Kognitivni deficiti alkoholičara, Primijenjena psihologija, 6 (1985)3-4:259-265.
- Bobić J., Pavićević L.: Kritične vrijednosti nekih psihologijskih mjernih instrumenata pri ocjeni nesposobnosti za rad starijih alkoholičara, Liječnički Vjesnik, 109(1987)6:199-202.
- Bobić J., Pavićević L., Drenovac M.: The difference between alcoholics and their healthy equivalent pairs - psychological approach, Studia Psychologica, 37(1995)5:351-356.
- Bobić J., Pavićević L.: Complex reaction time and EEG changes in alcoholics, Arh Hig Rada Toksikol (1996) 47:351-357.
- Bobić J., Pavićević L., Drenovac M.: Intellectual deterioration in alcoholics, Eur J Psychiat, 11(1997)1:21-26.
- Bobić J., Pavićević L., Gomzi M.: Cognitive functional inefficiency in alcoholics, Studia Psychologica, 42 (2000):105-110.
- Bobić J., Pavićević L.: Mental deterioration and encephalography in middle aged alcoholics, 26th International Congress on Occupational Health, Abstracts, Singapore, 2000: PS6:62.
- Bobić J., Pavićević L., Gomzi M.: The difference in complex psychomotor reaction time between patients with and without signs of cerebral circulatory disorders, Collegium Antropologicum, 26 (2002) 2:515-520.
- Bobić J., Gomzi M.: Memory and concentration efficiency in workers professionally exposed to xylene, Studia Psychologica, 46(2004)1:65-71.
- Drenovac M.: Relation between appraisal of ones own health and psychonerves process functional features, Days of psychology in Zadar, 1981.
- Takšić V., Mimica I.: Blood pressure effect od CRD-series tests results, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Milutinović S., Krpan D., Milutinović E., Prot F., Drenovac M., Gluhinić M. Cognitive abilities and reaction time in dialysis patients, XXXIV Congress of the ERA (European Renal Association)-EDTA, September, Jerusalem-Israel 1997.
- Goldoni J., Bobić J., Bijelić M.: Psychological profiles and subjective complaints in part-time and full-time VDT users, Work With Display Units, Abstract Book, Berlin (1992): P-12.
- Bobić J., Pavićević L., Drenovac M.: Some psychological consequences of war imprisonment, Studia Psychologica 39(1997) 1:45-51.
- Bobić J., Pavićević L., Gomzi M.: Cognitive performance and post-traumatic stress disorder in persons exposed to war and imprisonment, Studia Psychologica, 45 (2003) 2:111-19.
- Drenovac M.: Examination of relation between dynamism and stability of psychonerve functions and dimension of extravertism-intravertism and neuroticism, Days of psychology in Zadar, 1981.
- Arnold P.M., Becker D., Creutzfeldt O., Langenstein S., Tirsh W., Wuttke W.: Changes in eeg and mental capacity during menstrual cycle in women with and without oral contraception, 29. Kongres der Deutchen Gesellschaft fur Psychologie, Salzburg, September 1974.
- Drenovac M. and Zajc M.: The efficiency of cognitive functioning accross different age groups, Čovjek i promet, Vol.18, Br. 1-4 1992.
- Drenovac S., Drenovac M.: Performance fluctuation in dispatchers during solving mental and psychomotoric tasks in the course of 12 hours daily and night shift, Čovjek i promet, Vol.15, Br. 3, 1989.
- Lučanin D., Matešić K.: Daily variations in work efficiency on short-time memory examination tasks, Days of Ramiro Bujas, Zagreb, 1980.
- Drenovac M., Drenovac S.: Achievement on time restricted tests as the function of previous working load, Fifth Congress of Yugoslav psychologiests, Vol. 2., Skoplje 1976.
- Drenovac M.: Mental functions variations particularity in conditions of working in shifts, Institut for productivity, Zagreb 1976.
- Drenovac M., Drenovac S.: Diesel and electric locomotive engine driver working capability changes during working time, Čovjek i promet, vol. 2, No.3, 1976.
- Drenovac S., Drenovac M.: Odnos dinamičkog tipa mentalnog procesiranja i učestalosti prometnih nezgoda, XVII. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa, Zagreb, 2005.
izbor iz članaka i rasprava
- Drenovac M.: CRD-serie results interpretation ilustration using test solving dynamic indicators, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Drenovac M.: CRD tests batteries in different application, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, 1987.
- Kraigher B.: How traffic psychologists are using CRD-series, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Baloh S.: How work medicine psychologists are using CRD, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Bobić J.: Cognitive deficits in alcoholics, Second international Symposium on Neurobehavorial in Occupational and Environmental Health. Kafol-Mataković R.: CRD in clinical practice, Portorož, 1980.
- Drenovac M.: Some non-diagnostic CRD-series applications, CRD-Series Research Survay, Vol. 1, Institute for Productivity of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1987.
- Drenovac M.: Research of attributs of mental processing dynamics, Psychology at the Turn of the Millennium, Pech, 1999.
- Drenovac M., Petri N.M.: Research of effect of hyperbaric pressure on dynamics and efficiency of complex mental processing, Proceedings, 36th IAMPS, Zagreb, 2001.
- Drenovac M.: Computerized Simulation of Cognitive Function in the Reasherch of Human-Computer Relations, INES 2002, Opatija, 2002.
- Drenovac M.: Opća problematika modeliranja i simulacije mentalnog procesiranja u sustavu čovjek-kompjuter, Radionica: Neuronske mreže i simulacije u vojnoj primjeni, Varaždin, 2004.
- Karpljuk D., Meško M., Videmšek M., Tjavc S.:Military Aviation Personnel Selection, CISM-Prague, 2009.